viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012

Ganga de Allariz

The idea of jumble sales, car boot sales and second hand or opportunity shops is common in England and Australasia but not so in this part of Spain. So the very first Vintage come second hand market in Allariz caused quite a stir; even making the headlines in La Voz, a leading Galician newspaper. Called la Ganga in Gallego the market in Abastos square attracted 3,000 people over the first weekend of August. So keen were some that a somewhat disorderly queue had formed well before Sunday’s opening time. Packed into the small hall were 14 stall holders who did their best to cope with the crush of onlookers, buyers and the curious. Books, cds. cassettes, videos, video games and clothes ranging from genuine vintage to the merely odd were all on sale for prices starting at 1€. Particularly popular were those gifts we have all received from some well meaning aunt but have never quite worked out what it was or what it could be used for – there is seemingly a strong local market for such memorabilia.                                                                  

Feeding the masses was the lovely Belen with a range of sandwiches and snacks which were, in keeping with the Ganga spirit, all for 1€.  The locally made lager, Dama Alaricana was also on sale and was a great hit with the thirsty hordes. August as ever in Allariz is packed with local and national tourists but the usual haunts by the river and out by the swimming pool were seriously depleted as everyone came to see what bargains could be found in this time of crisis.

So popular was the event in fact that another market is being considered for October and a larger version for Xmas – just in time to resell that ceramic whatsit that you’ve been wondering “why did I buy that” ever since August.

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